Medical Societies

It’s an honor for me to belong to some of the most prestigious medical societies in the world.

Being a member of these medical organizations allows me to be in contact with highly talented colleagues.

These national and international medical groups give me the opportunity to have continuous training of the highest level.

I also hold the position of Assistant to the National Secretary of ISAPS, where I am also part of its Women’s Committee.

Women Plastic Surgeons and Role Models

I was shocked when found in Instagram my picture included in a list of women plastic surgeons that are role models to others around the world !!! 😱

Thanks @drheatherfurnas for including me in a list with these women plastic surgeons that I admire so much! @plasticsurgeryassociates

ASAPS Congress (New Orleans, EEUU)

With Dr. Nina Naidu (@nnycsurgeon) and Dr. Renato Saltz (@saltzplasticsurgery) who welcomed me back to New Orleans. They are my role models and I would like to be close to them to witness and celebrate all their successes.
Nina, you are so special to us!

#isaps #isapsplasticsurgeons #asaps #neworleans #plasticsurgery #rolemodel #cirugiaplastica #dragutierrezontalvilla #dragutierrez #utah #saltlakecity #nyc #valencia

ISAPS Leadership Course (Viena, Austria)

In Vienna (Austria) during the Leadership Course organized by the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). I was so honored to be invited to participate!!!

It’s always a pleasure learning and sharing with these fantastic colleagues from all over the world. 🌎

I’m a proud member of:

La Dra. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, es Cirujana Plástica y miembro de la SECPRE (Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética).
La Dra. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, es Cirujana Plástica y miembro de la AECEP (Asociación Española de Cirugía Estética Plástica).

Assistant National Secretary

La Dra. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, es Cirujana Plástica y miembro de la SCPRECV (Sociedad de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructora y Estética de la Comunidad Valenciana).
La Dra. Patricia Gutiérrez Ontalvilla, es Cirujana Plástica y miembro de la SETGRA (Sociedad Española de aplicaciones del Trasplante de Grasa).
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