Liposculpture and liposuction

Liposuction, what exactly?

It is known as liposuction surgical procedure that allows us to effectively as a body remodeling by removing clusters of subcutaneous fat.

Fat can not always be eliminated with diet and exercise

These fat deposits are usually hereditary and can not be removed only with a healthy diet and exercise. The ultimate solution is to remove them by liposuction surgery.The difference is that with liposuction, liposuction got reshape the silhouette of the patient with greater precision. The disadvantage of traditional liposuction is that it leaves too thick and heavy skin-fat flap, whereas liposuction can also remove surface oil, leaving a thinner and lighter flap retracts further, creating new curves and volumes, and highlighting property of skin retraction. This simple, liposuction allows us to accurately remove fat and where we want. In this way we achieve a new body shape with excellent cosmetic results.





After surgery the tissues are edematous, taking 3-4 weeks to reduce its volume so the results can be considered definitive until after 3 months postoperatively. a belt, stockings or elastic bandage on the treated to control swelling and bleeding area will be placed, and to help the skin to adapt to the new contour. It is usually necessary to take for 2 or 3 weeks, and then only during the day for a few more weeks, depending on the instructions of your plastic surgeon. Antibiotics may also be administered to prevent infection.

Healing is a gradual process. Your plastic surgeon will instruct you to start walking as soon as possible (to prevent the formation of venous thrombi in the legs), but do not do vigorous activities for 2-4 weeks. The stitches will be removed between 5 and 10 days, and may return to work in 2 or 3 days, or at most, after 2 weeks of intervention, depending on the extent of liposuction and the recommendations of your surgeon. The swelling and bruising will disappear in the first or second month after liposuction; however, minimal inflammation may continue for 6 or more months.


Further information

Liposuction is a safe, as long as you select the right patient, the operating room is well equipped and is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. However, in some cases complications may occur, especially when high amounts of fat are removed at once. Another, although possible, is rare complication fluid accumulation (which must be drained) and skin lesion. Although serious complications are rare, it could present infection and excessive loss of fluids that require adequate treatment.


The advantages of this technique are the presence of minimal scarring, little pain, no prolonged immobilization, possibility of treating a single intervention in several areas of the body, resumption of normal activities in 4-5 days and possibility of partnering with other interventions are needed as the reduction of breast volume or dermolipectomy. Today the techniques used to reduce localized fat, superficial liposuction allows getting better volumetric reduction and body contouring detailed sculpture, can not only reduce fat volume, but also improve the curves and volumes to create a new silhouette. Today we can propose, without doubt, an effective, safe and with bright cosmetic surgery results.

Request information on liposuction and liposuction.

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 +34 963 940 979

 +34 687 402 951

Monday to Thursday:
10:00 to 14:00 and 16.00 to 20:00
9:00 to 15:00
C/ Jorge Juan 26, 2
Valencia – 46004

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